In the winter of 2020 and 2021 Scotland welcomed thick blankets of powdery snow and below are moments we captured enjoying them here on our farm at Lindores. Who knows if 2024/25 will have any snowy days? But if it does snow and you have hired The Hide BBQ Hut or your are staying in our hot tub holiday houses in Fife, we want to assure you we do our best to make your Lindores experience happen with ease. We’re a working farm with a forklift, grit and will power! We keep road access clear for guests on-site each winter. UK winter staycations are epic at Lindores whatever the weather!

Sledging and snow ball fights on the crest of Lindores Hill are great fun when booking The Hide winter experience. If anyone starts to get chilly after playing outside, it’s amazing going back into our BBQ hut! Warm up quickly in front of the cosy fire drinking hot chocolate with melted marshmallows. Yummy!!

The Hide BBQ Hut
We’re delighted to now offer guests exclusive hire of our BBQ Hut called The Hide.

Things to do
Our family love playing games – any time of the year. One of our favourites is Kubb. It’s a wooden game where you need 5 m x 10 m on flat ground. The objective of the game is to knock each others 5 wooden pillars down and then hit the king! We’ve a game with instructions in The Hide for you to enjoy. Simple and fun for all ages!

We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a few pic’s of winter life in Fife.
Thanks to Richard, his forklift and our grit spreader we will keep the access roads to your holiday houses open. The roads in the photos above are farm tracks and not the main road to your holiday houses – so don’t be alarmed! We just thought these snow scenes were pretty.
We look forward to welcoming you to experience Lindores with your friends, family or colleagues whatever the weather.
Stay in our lodges or hire The Hide BBQ hut – it’s beautiful and fun!