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Book a Kids Day – Bike Training



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Whats included?

  • Park Tool School – kids will be indoors for part of the day to learn how to service, dismantle and re-assemble bikes. This is a hands on, coaching and learning session. The kids will get Park Tool School aprons, tools and the chance to learn with their hands.
  • Lunchtime and breaks – so bring packed lunch and drink which we will eat inside or outside in the sun!
  • Go Mountain Bike – We’ll ride!! Kyle the coach will assess the competence and experience levels of riders.  Technical skills will be learnt on grass before being challenged on trails in the wood.  The coach will adjust the pace, training and skills and routes as is required.

Who is the training suitable for?  

  • Riders should be 5 – 11 years of age.  All riders should be able to ride a bike, without any assistance or stabilisers. For these sessions the minimum wheel size is 20”. Bikes with gears are highly recommended.

Are parents expected to stay?

  • No, you can leave at 10am when your child is settled and signed in at the reception meeting point. Kyle and his team who are fully trained and qualified will look after your kids until pick up at 3.00pm at reception.

Who is the qualified bike coach?

Kyle is all about adventure and learning in an active, relaxed and enjoyable way. He is a fully qualified International Mountain Leader, Cycling Coach and Mountain Bike Leader and bike/car/truck mechanic, all backed by first aid certification/experience and PVG.

What else could the day consist of?

Sometimes we stop and build dens, play games or eat our lunch around a fire or stove. Yum!!

What kit do we need to bring?

  • Your own bike, biking helmet, biking gloves and outdoor clothes you don’t mind getting muddy. Packed lunch, drink and a rucksack with spare dry layers and gloves.

Where is the training?

What about Coronovirus?

We don’t know what Coronovirus will mean for gatherings mid April but we’re hoping this outdoor activity for a small group of 8 will be able to continue.  The mechanical training part of the full day is an indoor activity but we can be flexible and work outdoors if required to make sure that everyone can be safe and enjoy their holidays. This would remain under review and if the training was cancelled due to government policy and a ban on travel due to Coronovirus, or the instructor had to self isolate – you would receive a full refund.

What is the booking process?

  • Click on the ‘Book Now’ link below and in the message box
    • Please confirm your child’s biking ability, age, preferred training day
  • Bookings are only confirmed once we have a signed consent form and you have received confirmation of a space.
  • Payment can be made on the day.

Any questions please just ask!

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